Melvin’s Unexpected Passing

Those of you who have followed along with our website and social media updates over the last week are familiar with Melvin’s tail… er, tale: standing frozen on the side of busy Highway 1 during the morning commute, Melvin was spotted by a Second Chance foster mom (and adopter!). She turned the car around and went back for him, and he was found to be in significant pain, incapable of moving. He likely had been bumped by a car, injuring or possibly breaking bones in his hind end.
This member of the Second Chance family rushed him to Second Chance, and we rushed him to an animal hospital, honestly unsure if would make the drive over. We were confident that this elder pup (probably a man of 13 years) had an owner, despite lacking tags and a microchip–how could this old fluff be alone in the world? We put out the call on social media and our website that we had him in our care, and you shared the post to thousands and thousands of locals in the area. Still, no one stepped up to claim him.
But you stepped up. We added a donation link for those who wanted to chip in for his hospital bills, and you came through. Meanwhile, Melvin received fluids and was given an x-ray. He had no broken bones, so we put him on a pain-management regimen and brought him home, questioning what the next few days would hold. Would someone who had been looking for their dog find him? Would the pain medicine be enough to work off what might just be some soreness, or were there other issues that would reveal themselves?
Melvin (here with Ruth, one of our diligent volunteers and a Second Chance adopter) pulled through and he’s healing up at Second Chance today. He’s a chatty fella, happy to welcome visitors and soak up affection. We’re enjoying his little quirks, like the way he rubs up against bushes outside to scratch his back, and we’re eager to see the day when he goes home with a new owner.
See other animals who have been given a second chance (and submit your own):
***Searching for possible owner–please share!*** One of our foster parents saw this dog standing completely still on the side of Highway 1 near Jordan Lake yesterday morning (August 23, 2017). She took an exit and looped back around, reaching him about 10 minutes later and finding him completely still then as well. He has no tags or chip, but we are calling him Melvin, and he appears to be around 13 years old.
He has a lot of pain in his hind end; preliminary x-rays do not reveal any broken bones, but it is possible he was bumped by a car and that further examination will reveal a fracture once we are able to move Melvin into a different position. We hospitalized him overnight and pushed fluids; he is eating and drinking today.
In the meantime, if anyone knows this dog, please get in touch with us! And, if you would like to donate to Second Chance to help support the bills we are now incurring and, should no owner be found, the care he will receive in our program until healed and adopted, we would super appreciate it! Donations can be made here!
Dear friends,
It is with a heavy heart that we announce the passing of Billy, who was one our very special Second Chance kitties. Many of you may know him, but for those who don’t, Billy came to Second Chance in late October of 2014, after Wake County Animal Center reached out to us for help with a 6-month-old blind kitten. Billy had bright and sparkling copper eyes, but his vision loss was caused by mature cataracts, which was an odd condition for one so young. We would soon find out that Billy was no ordinary kitten. After an evaluation with an eye specialist, it was determined that once Billy turned a year old, he would be a good candidate for surgery, which would enable him to see.
This was fantastic news and we had a special fundraising campaign to give Billy the gift of sight. He was even the recipient of an ASPCA L’il Bub grant to assist with the costs. The campaign was a smashing success and we eagerly awaited Billy’s first birthday. But then, things started happening. Days before Billy was set to have his eye procedure, he developed a urinary blockage and had to have urinary tract surgery–multiple times. After that, he continued to be prone to urinary infections and often needed antibiotics. When he was a year and a half old, he was finally healthy enough to undergo his eye surgery. The procedure was successful and Billy could see the world! We celebrated!
But the problems kept coming. A year later, at the age of 2, he was found to have significant heart disease and a liver shunt. Separately, these are challenging conditions for any cat, but combined, we knew that Billy’s life would surely be shortened. His foster mom, Lisa, gave him his medication regimens and lovingly nursed him through his low times. There were points when we thought he would not pull through. Yet every time we thought we would lose him, he bounced back, with that sparkle in his eyes. Billy had been dealt a terrible genetic hand, but clearly, he was a fighter. He was not about to give up.
You see, Billy had a lot of work he wanted to do. In his time with us, Billy had become a Second Chance ambassador. He absolutely loved people. Billy attended many of our events, often on a harness and leash. He was often our “go to” kitty when we engaged with the community to help educate folks about what Second Chance did and how they could help homeless animals. He met hundreds of school kids, Girl Scouts, and senior citizens, and he was happy to receive the attention. He could be found at our wine tastings and off-site adoption events, and he was a fixture at our annual Evening of Pawsibilities.
In his foster home, Billy showed a special talent for helping Lisa to raise other foster kittens, ensuring that they learned their manners and how to be sweet and cuddly. Billy was also happy to accompany Lisa to work. There, he provided comfort to many stressed out students, faculty, staff and quite frankly, anyone who was having a tough day. Even the UPS driver would visit with him. Billy was happy to flop in their laps, purring happily, offering up his belly as therapy. He had his own Facebook page and a legion of fans, who offered their support when a medical need arose.
Recently, Billy developed an infection in his leg. Despite all the best efforts, he did not respond to months of treatment and his leg worsened. It became clear he was suffering. On Thursday, Lisa knew that Billy’s time had finally come. The sparkle had left his eyes. He did not want to fight anymore. He made one last trip to work, so his friends could say goodbye and on Friday, we helped him cross the Rainbow Bridge. Billy was 3 years old.
Animals are so much more than simply pets. They are partners in our lives, who give us love and comfort, in an often chaotic world. Billy is a shining example of their ability to touch us deeply. Everything we gave to Billy, he gave back to us tenfold. He reached a lot of people, many of whom he had never met.
Second Chance would like to extend our thanks to Dr. Wages and the staff at Care First Animal Hospital for their love and care for him over the years (they even wrote him his own song!); to Dr. English and the staff at Animal Eye Care, who gave Billy his sight; and to all of his supporters and donors, who enabled us to provide Billy with all the medical care he needed. We thank his foster mom, Lisa, for her steadfast dedication to him, her unconditional love for him, and for her bravery to let him go when she knew he was ready, even though she was not. Most of all, we thank Billy for giving us the very best of himself, despite such difficult physical challenges. His legacy will live on in the more than 60 kittens he helped raised and in the hearts of all whose lives he touched.
His sparkling eyes will be missed every day.
From now through August 31, 2017, Hand and Stone Massage and Facial Spas throughout the Triangle will be donating $1 to Second Chance for every massage and facial! It’s the perfect time to pamper yourself and help save pets! Book today!
THANK YOU to the FABULOUS Second Chance family for supporting our 30th Anniversary Celebration! Thanks to your generosity, we have reached our first goal of raising $9,000 for homeless animals! BUT, we know many of you haven’t yet joined the party, so we’re INCREASING the goal to $12,000, giving you more time to jump on the opportunity to be a part of this momentous occasion!
Your gifts, large and small, help us provide the food, shelter, and medicine our cats and dogs need to survive and thrive while they wait for their forever homes. Help our animals today!
My name is Kelley, and I am one of many Second Chance foster parents. Because all of this rescue’s dogs and puppies live in foster homes, as do young, small kittens, Second Chance’s ability to save more lives depends heavily on people like me.
I have always loved animals. You could say those furry faces make my heart melt. At my first volunteer shift at Second Chance, I could see the dedication, time, effort, and unconditional love that the staff and volunteers provide to each animal. I knew I had found the right place.
After a month, I had found my passion—the shelter had taken in a litter of kittens. They did not have an available foster home for them, and each time I volunteered and tried to enter their room to feed and clean them, all three would manage to run out! After chasing around to catch them (with much laughter), I asked if I could try fostering them at my home.
Seven foster litters later, I enjoy every minute of it. It is a remarkable feeling to watch a baby kitten go from a skittish, scared little animal to a trusting, flourishing kitten—one who loves to rub noses, or loves to curl up in your lap. Second Chance not only provides all the supplies (including medical) for each kitten, they have a great support network of those you can reach out to at any time, day or night.
Fostering has enriched my life. It’s given me much laughter, especially on the broken-heart day of the passing of my Basil. Six foster kittens running around and playing would put a smile on anyone’s face.
You may think it would be hard to “give them up.” It is never easy to say goodbye to these little babies, but seeing the happy ending for both the kitten and their new “furever” family is all worthwhile. And, when one chapter ends, you know another one (or more) will be waiting for their chance to have a “furever” home.
Welcome to another edition of the Companion!
Topics included this month:
THANK YOU to the donors who’ve gotten this party rolling! Just a few days into the campaign, we are already over HALFWAY to our goal of $9,000!
Your gifts, large and small, help us provide the food, shelter, and medicine our cats and dogs need to survive and thrive while they wait for their forever homes.
We found Ms. Beasley, then a 5-month-old shepherd mix, in an overcrowded shelter this past winter. Her growing body was colder than most–a terrible case of mange had robbed her of her fur coat. Through her thin hair, we could see her red and scabbed skin.
Ms. Beasley was a timid puppy, and obviously suffering, but she wanted to be touched nonetheless. She slowly scooted over to Dave, president of our Board of Directors, and put her head in his lap. She let him pet her and licked his face in gratitude.
Thanks to the medical treatment we were able to provide through your gifts, Ms. Beasley soon showed obvious signs of progress. Her inflamed skin began to cool off, the scabs on her face were no more, and the cute sweaters that supporters like you have donated kept her warm as we moved into spring. During each quick visit from her foster home to the Adoption Center, we received gentle licks of gratitude.
Within a few months, Ms. Beasley’s skin had healed–and so too, it seemed, had her spirits. Her foster mom, Tanya, learned that Ms. B. made a great companion when out and about, enjoyed meeting other dogs, and had an equally great time playing with her toys at home. At long last, Ms. Beasley was healthy, comfortable, and adoptable. She went home with her new mom, Sandi, in June.
One year ago, we partnered with Slickdeals, the largest deal-saving money on the internet, in their #SlickdealsGivesBack program. The deal was simple: as our supporters enjoyed great savings on their goods, we would save more animals. We asked you to sign up, to shop, and to save, and Slickdeals would donate money on your behalf. Second Chance fam, we were astonished to receive a check for $10,541. We are in awe of the amazing generosity of Slickdeals and their commitment to creating a better world. To learn more about how you can save lives by saving money, click here.
Welcome to another edition of the Companion!
Topics included this month: