If you would like to order a Racing for Rescues 2025 event t-shirt without registering for the event, or if you’ve registered but would like an additional shirt, or if you’ve registered through a third party platform (e.g., RunSignUp) and would like a shirt, please use the order form below. Each shirt costs $20; $5 shipping fees apply if not picking up at Second Chance, and the address you enter below will be used. Shirts will arrive in late May 2025.

Shirt Order Form

2025 RFR T-Shirt Order Form

Use this form to purchase a Racing for Rescues shirt if you are not registering as RFR runners/walkers, or if you are ordering additional shirts, or if you registered through third-party platform

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  • Please enter a number from 1 to 500.
    On average, we email once weekly and do not share, sell, or give away your email address. You can unsubscribe at any time.

  • Second Chance Pet Adoptions pays approximately 3.0% to our credit card processor in order to accept credit cards on our website. We think this is a great convenience for our supporters, however, if you would like to offset this cost during this transaction, it is greatly appreciated.
  • Price: $0.00
  • $0.00
  • Please check if you have activated a Stripe feed for your form.